As a Catholic and Sionian school, our moral, legal and mission-driven responsibility is to create an environment where the dignity of each person is respected, and all staff strive towards the full flourishing of each student. We uphold each student’s sacredness and unique giftedness, and work towards her fulfilment by creating a nurturing, welcoming and safe environment.
We recognise the diverse spiritual, cultural, intellectual, social–emotional, sense of identity and physical needs of our students and the development of these needs within our community. Our Lady of Sion College respects and values Aboriginal children and encourages and supports them to express and enjoy their culture.
We remain strongly committed to a culture of child safety and a zero tolerance for child abuse. To this end, Our Lady of Sion College takes deliberate steps to safeguard children from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect. We put student safety and wellbeing first, and embed a commitment to child safety in every aspect of the organisation.
Below you will find the policies and code of conduct that support child safety within our community.
The Victorian Government has introduced three interrelated reforms that are integral to reducing family violence and promoting child wellbeing and safety. The Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS), the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) commenced on 19 April 2021. From this date schools, including Our Lady of Sion College, become an Information Sharing Entity (ISE) and when thresholds are met, will be able to share information with other ISEs.
Thresholds take into account the need for the information shared to promote wellbeing and safety, inform an action and not contain legally excluded information. The College will be able to share and request information with other ISEs, such as: Child FIRST, CYMHS, General Practitioners, Community based child and family services and Primary Schools. While consent is not required from any person to share or request information under these schemes, Our Lady of Sion College will seek or take into account the views of those involved when it is safe, reasonable and appropriate to do so.
Information Sharing Coordinator:
Christine Kralj - Deputy Principal Student Wellbeing
Contact No. 9890 9097
In 2022, the Victorian Government introduced updated Child Safety Standards along with Ministerial Order No. 1359, which set out the minimum standards regarding the hiring of staff and volunteer personal. The following video is available as an induction program for volunteers. All volunteers must also have a WWCC and submit information via our Volunteer Induction Pack.