Dialogue is an important aspect of both the Catholic faith and life at the College and permeates both our pedagogy and culture on a daily basis.
Conversation Café is an open space and invitation to students of all year levels to raise questions of faith, religion and life and have their questions answered or discussed with their peers.
No question is off-limits and no judgements are made.
The initiative aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment for students to ask their pressing questions and grapple with the tensions of modern life through authentic and respectful dialogue.
The Café runs on a regular basis and is open to and widely visited by students from all year levels.
Our staff are also inspired to gather in a staff Conversation Café and the concept has been taken up by other Sion heritage schools across Victoria.
Each year the College hosts a Day of Dialogue – where Jewish, Muslim and fellow Catholic students from six other schools come together for a day of interfaith dialogue.
The opportunity allows students to meet and talk informally in small groups. It aims to deepen the understanding of participants of Judaism, Christianity and Islam by engaging and learning from Jews, Christians and Muslims.
It is hoped that through this Day of Dialogue, students strengthen their commitment to community participation, freedom of religion, diversity and respect for others.